Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Blue Lights

Well into my second week of learning to drive response cars. Started off driving a marked car learning the principles and practicing Roadcraft (Which is a book about safe driving).

There is a fair bit to learn and its a different driving style and depending on how you drive and how long you have been driving for can be difficult or easy.

But its a good way of driving which stands us in good stead for driving response.

I have had good fun driving so far even though the majority has been below speed limits as there is alot to practise and get right before we can get to drive response. It has been handy being excempt from national speed limits so if there is a national then there is no limit for us.

Did my first blue light run the other day through quite a busy town which was interesting. Made a few mistakes but none which compramised the safety of the car or anyone else. But its the first time of blue lights really so didnt do too badly, hopefully it will improve and come together over the next few days.

Found out today that when i pass the course i am entitled to become a member of the Institute Of Advanced Motorists (IAM) without taking the tests as my training i am recieveing now is exceeding the level they test at. Which is good as i can get a discount on my car insurance!

Roadcraft From Amazon

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